Our specialty

Bachelor's programme

5В020700 Translation major

5В030100 Jurisprudence

5В050800 Accounting and Audit

5В050900 Finances

5В070200 Computer systems for automation and control

5В070300 Information management system

5В070400 Computing technology and Software

5В050300 Psychology

5В073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection

5В042100 Design

5В012300 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge

5В090200 Tourism

5В072900 Construction

5В050700 Management

5В072000 Chemical technology of inorganic substances

5В020500 Philology: Kazakh

5В020500 Philology: Russian

5В073200 Standardization, certification

5В051100 Marketing

5В010100 Pre-school education and upbringing (pedagogical specialty)

5В010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education (pedagogical specialty)

5В050400 Journalism

5В090400 Socio-cultural service

Master's degree programme:

6М030100 Jurisprudence

6М050700 Management

6М050900 Finances

6М042100 Design

6М073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection

6М050300 Psychology


6D030100 Jurisprudence

6D050700 Management

6D050900 Finances

6D073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection

6D042100 Design

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich

Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology

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