Kurmanova Aigul Kuanyshevna

 SCIENTIFIC PROFILE                                                                              LANGUAGES

Author ID Scopus Elsevier: 57210435972                                                     Kazakh – B1 (native)

ResearcherIDWeb of Science: AAV-5824-2021                                             Russian – C2

ORCID:https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0450-3671                                         English - Advanced

H-index: 1 (Scopus)


Phone: +7 778 3376566

  • “Problems of agency work during the coronavirus crisis: A case of Kazakhstan”, Problems and Perspectives in Management, 19, Issue 4 ( 2021): 148-160
  • “Legal regulation in the field of artificial intelligence: assessment and prospects”, Journal of Law and Sustainable Development, vol. 11, no.12 (2023): 1-21
  • “The legal status of the designation of artificial intelligence in a system of modern law”, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, v 24, Issue 4 (2021)



Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign philology; Aktobe Regional State University by K.Zhubanov , Kazakhstan

2004 – 2007

candidate of legal degrees; received the degree in 12.00.06 – ecological law, land law, nature resource law, July 2007, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. Thesis supervisor: Professor DauletBaideldinov

2000 – 2002

Bachelor’s Degree in Law; Kazakh humanitarian-legal University, Kazakhstan; received the qualification lawyer

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich

Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology

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