Formation of the Kazakh-Russian International University (pages of history, president of the university, rector of the university)
Kazakh-Russian International University is the first international non-state institution of higher education in the western region of Kazakhstan. On February 23, 2018, the university celebrated its 24th anniversary. The university was created by Temerhan Baibosynovich Berdimuratov, one of the experienced teachers in the region, a successful leader in education, with an extraordinary talent as a teacher, thinker, scientist, innovator, enlightener and deep creator of modernity. The permanent leader of the university marked the beginning of modern university education, focused on personal development.
The university grew in the context of the socio-political and economic development of its country. At first it was formed as the Aktyubinsk branch of the International Institute of Business and Law (1994-1996), then - the Aktyubinsk branch of the International University in Moscow (1996-1998), the Aktyubinsk Institute of Management, Business and Law “NUR” (1998-2000), providing an opportunity for young people of the Aktobe region to receive economic and legal education. In the early 90s of the last century, training of qualified specialists in the field of economics, business and law was possible only in large metropolitan universities, not to mention the creation of a higher educational institution of such a profile. The opening of the Aktobe Institute of Management, Business and Law “NUR” in the regional center was not only a major event, but also a reflection of the history of the economic development of Aktobe.
There is a significant event in KRIU that determined the future fate and face of the university: fruitful international relations, joint educational projects with well-known European and Russian scientists and universities were the beginning of a new path. The Institute (then Aktobe Institute of Management, Business and Law “NUR”) for the first time in the region received a new name, including the international component - Kazakh-Russian International University - at the suggestion of the President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev, expressed during the opening ceremony of the main academic building on August 21, 1998. This proposal of the Head of State was adopted in accordance with the Declaration on Eternal Friendship and Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, oriented in the twenty-first century. As noted by the honorary professors and partners of the university, the university was given a great honor - the confidence of the Head of State who determined the status of the university and its future path of development.
Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor Utemisov Baktybai Utemisovich was the first rector of the university. These were the years of formation of the university, but they were well remembered by the team, which consisted of reputable and well-known region lecturers, leading experts. Among them are the names of those who still remain on the lips of graduates, the only, at one time, Aktobe State Pedagogical Institute - Ph.D. in Philosophy, Professor PS Shchetinin, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor S.A. Vinogradov, Ph.D. , Professor N.I. Gubanov, Professor of KRIU V.Ya.Yambaev, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor E.N. Agapov, Associate Professor V.I. Agapova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor M.M.Zhanpeisova, Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages N .D. Dermenzhi and others.
In the mid-1990s, it was not an easy task to provide a learning process with lecturers with advanced degrees and titles. The university solved this problem, relying on international relations with European and Russian universities; this was how the competent teaching staff was formed. Among them, the ex-Minister of Education of the USSR, Professor G. A. Yagodin, later the rector of the International University in Moscow, was a co-director of the first educational process, as well as a lecturer at the university. G.A. Yagodin personally handed certificates of the title of professor to the first lecturers of the KRIU – P.S. Shchetinin, U.B. Bayzhomartov, E.N. Agapov.
Graduates of the university like to remember with deep gratitude the professorship of the 1994-2000-ies, recognizing them as first-class lecturers, from the perspective of today as specialists of their field. Among them, the Vice-Rector for Public Relations of the International University in Moscow, Professor V.D. Savostin, Doctor of Law, Professor V.V. Bezbakh, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.Yu. Manyushis, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.A. Ovsyannikov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation V.P.Seregin, Doctor of Economics, Professor L.G. Khodov, and Doctor of Economic Sciences Yu.N. Ivanov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor S.I. Biryukov, D.A. Ashirov, doctor of economics V.A. Aleksandrov, doctor of economics V.M. Serov, Ph.D., M.N. Romanchuk, Professor V.P. Demkin, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, associate professor V.M. Vmyatnin, doctor of technical sciences, professor O.S. Balabekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.A. Volnenko, doctor of philological sciences, professor N.V. Dmitriuk All of them are first-class specialists and talented teachers. The recruitment was done personally by the president-rector of the university, TB Berdimuratov. He was deeply aware of the significance of the colorful professorship created from the reputable universities of Moscow, since they contributed to the formation of a special intellectual and creative environment of the university, which is felt and maintained to this day. Many years have passed; the university has gone through many reforms in the education system. For more than 20 years of its operation, a large number of leaderships of higher departmental bodies have changed, which each time entailed new concepts and formats for the program for the development of education. Some traditions were replaced by others, but the tradition of attracting foreign professors, leading practitioners of industrial organizations has always been and is one of the distinctive features and strengths of the university.

Vice-Rector for Public Relations, MU in Moscow, Professor V.D. Savostin

Doctor of Laws, professor B.B.Bezbakh
Special thanks to the university is noted to the address of the leading scientists and employees of the Institute of State and Law of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan Candidate of Laws, Professor L.R. Nasyrova, Doctor of Laws, Professor N.K.Abuzyarova, Doctor of Law, Professor L.T.Zhanuzakova, Candidate Juridical Sciences S.O.Davletova and others. Thanks to them, a special scientific and methodological environment of the university was created, they stood at the origins of specialties in demand at that time - jurisprudence, finance and credit, accounting and auditing. Candidate of Laws, Associate Professor L.R. Nasyrova still cooperates with the university: she has become one of the honorary full-time lecturers in the Department of Law, which helps students and undergraduates to study Family and Civil Procedure Law.
Starting from the first days of activity, the university was located in a small building of its own at Karataeva Street, 9. The president of the university still keeps reverent memories of every corner of this building and courtyard. The photos stored in Temirkhan Baibosynovich’s personal archive reflect a very active university life for those years: a meeting of foreign guests - prominent figures of education, science, art, law; funny skitters of students and teachers, accompanied by luxurious homemade requisites of sketches, business visits and foreign trips. Surprisingly, in the history of the university, in the memory of the president of the university and many colleagues, the names and surnames of almost all students, their photos, which are easily commented on - how they were students, what successes they have achieved, how they differed Now. Such a reverent attitude towards students can be seen only in good Soviet films.
In 2010, the rector's position was occupied by Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Nysanali Uzhetbaevich Aliyev, invited from KazNTU. K. Satpayev (for health reasons, he did not have opportunities for further work). During his leadership, the university significantly strengthened its personnel potential in technical specialties, began the creation of the material and technical base for opening the first specialties of magistracy in the areas of this specialty.
At the end of 2010, Ph.D., Professor Altyn Kanyshbekovna Myrzashova was appointed as Rector on the proposal of the President of the University and the unanimous decision of the Academic Council. The activity of A.K. Myrzashova is characterized by active work on the organization of scientific and methodological work, advanced training, the creation of corporate traditions, educational events among students, the scientific international journal “Bulletin of the KRIU”, cooperation with universities and enterprises of the region, scientific and methodological centers, qualifications. On the basis of the Russian center of the university, as its manager, it developed a grant project, which was approved by the Russian World Foundation in Moscow. This grant allowed the university to organize refresher courses for more than 140 philology teachers of the western region of Kazakhstan.
The first specialties of the university were Law, Finance and Credit, Accounting and Audit, Translation. These specialties are preserved until today, the number of graduates of these specialties today reaches about 7,000 people. Today, the Kazakh-Russian International University implements educational programs in 22 undergraduate majors, 6 magistracy majors, 3 doctoral majors.
T.B. Berdimuratov pays great attention to advancing the quality of educational services provided, staffing with highly qualified personnel, strengthening the material and technical base to ensure the effectiveness of the learning process, its compliance with international standards. Annually there are financial resources aimed at improving the skills of university staff, the implementation of academic mobility, inviting scientists, and the creation of library and information support for the educational process.
Successful position of KRIU in world rankings, as well as on the domestic market for the provision of educational services - all this is the result of the hard work of the cohesive team of the university, which, thanks to the effective strategic policy of the university rector, Berdimuratova T.B, is focused on creating an educational institution that produces highly qualified specialists, with knowledge of high technology, managerial skills, able to compete in the global labor market.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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