Inclusive education
The cabinet of Inclusive Education
Inclusive education is the adaptation of learning and upbringing conditions to the needs of students with special educational needs (hereinafter referred to as SEN) who have limited opportunities related to their health status, socio-economic status, gender, language of instruction (foreign students), etc., leading to successful socialization, self-realization, personal and professional growth.
Principles of inclusive education:
• personal orientation of subject-to-subject education;
• Continuity of education;
• ensuring consideration of the psychological and physiological characteristics of students with SEN;
• timely correction of violations of the socialization process;
• professional orientation of students with SEN.
Today, inclusive education is facing universities as one of the most important tasks. It presupposes access to higher education for all segments of the population and is thus important for achieving global educational goals.
Achieving this goal depends on creating a supportive educational environment in educational institutions that is accessible and suitable for all students, including those with special educational needs.
As part of the ongoing work on improving educational processes and creating inclusive conditions for students, an inclusive education office has been opened at the Kazakh-Russian International University. The functioning of the inclusive education support cabinet provides for the creation of special conditions for the adaptation, training and correction of disabilities of students with special educational needs based on individual programs within the framework of the implementation of the basic general education program. The resource room is a modern space consisting of several zones that allow creating a barrier-free, tolerant and friendly atmosphere and conditions for students of this category.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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