Student club "Young Psychologist"
Student club "Young Psychologist"
The work of the "Young Psychologist" circle is aimed at developing students' psychological, social competence, peacefulness, tolerance and the desire for genuine life success – self-realization for the benefit of others and oneself.
The program of the circle is structured according to the principle of compliance with the basic methods of cognition: analysis and synthesis of information, taking into account group dynamics, and is based on self-knowledge, self-awareness and self-development of the individual.
The purpose of the program is to help students get to know themselves better, their strengths, develop self-esteem, overcome insecurity, and fear. To realize oneself most successfully and fully in behavior and activity, to assert one's rights and one's own value, as well as to lower the threshold of negative emotions in self-expression through creativity.
To teach the group members to see their uniqueness, not to be afraid of the manifestations of their own abilities, ideas, thoughts, fantasies.
To teach the group members to see and respect the versatility of the inner world of other people, to philosophically treat situations of rejection of individuality from others.
To increase the self-esteem of the group members.
Basic principles of the program:
The principle of humanization is the reliance on the capabilities and resources of the individual, the emphasis on self–determination.
The principle of individualization is to take into account the individual and age characteristics of students when choosing forms and methods of work.
The principle of socialization is to promote students' self–determination in the social environment, to gain social experience by assuming various social roles.
Participants: a group of students from 1st to 4th years, consisting of 15-20 people.
Duration of one lesson: 2 hours. Classes of this type can be conducted in both group and subgroup forms. Group classes can be supplemented with individual ones if the student needs to talk to a psychologist.
The program of circle classes includes 3 stages.
The first stage is motivational (3 classes). The purpose of the stage is the emotional unification of the group members. The main content consists of psychotechnical exercises aimed at relieving tension and group cohesion, as well as self-determination and self-awareness.
Stage II — development (28 lessons).
The purpose of the stage is to activate the process of self-discovery. Developing self-confidence, helping to develop an understanding of oneself, one's needs, reactions; self-acceptance, increasing one's own importance, values. Formation of motivation for self-education and self-development. In addition, at this stage, a cycle of classes "The Art of keeping up" is included, which is dedicated to learning how to plan and allocate time.
Stage III - reinforcement (3 classes).
The purpose of the stage is to increase self-understanding in order to strengthen self-esteem and actualize personal resources. Exercises of a reinforcing nature.
Each lesson is conducted in a standard form and includes the following elements: a greeting ritual, a warm-up, the main content, a reflection on the lesson and a farewell ritual.
In the course of the work, game methods, the method of group discussion, projective techniques of drawing and verbal types, as well as psychohymnastics and art therapy are used.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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