Department of Postgraduate Education
Dear doctoral students, undergraduates!
You made the right choice - you entered the doctoral and master's programs of the Kazakh-Russian International University - a modern, dynamically developing higher education institution with worthy traditions, great potential and serious plans for the future.
The development of modern society, economic prosperity, quality of life, national security are determined by the education, the progress of science, the effectiveness of the practical use of research results.
The value of education and science in the modern world is not only universally recognized, but also indisputable, which is one of the universal values.
Postgraduate education plays a crucial role in the preparation of highly qualified specialists who are able to work successfully for the benefit of Kazakhstan in all spheres of state and public activity. Moreover, the presence of a master's degree is a prerequisite for career growth, occupying a number of positions in government and education management.
The powerful personnel potential of our university is supported by a developed material and technical base, modern teaching and methodical technologies, a rich fund of textbooks, monographs, and literature in many branches of knowledge. All this will allow you to build a solid foundation for your future successful career, to fully unleash and realize your scientific and creative potential.
I wish you success in school, I hope that studying in the doctoral and master's programs at our university will be an important necessary stage in your life!

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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