Educational and Methodical Council of KRIU
The Educational and Methodological Council of the University (hereinafter referred to as the EMC) is a collegial governing body at the university.
EMC is guided in its activities by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education”, the Charter of the educational organization and other regulatory documents on educational and methodical work.
The structure of the EMC includes: Vice-Rector for educational and methodical work, heads of departments, representatives of the methodological sections of departments, teachers, heads of departments, providing the educational and methodical process. The composition of the Council is approved by order of the University President.
The activities of the EMC are managed by the EMC Chairman.
The work of the EMC is carried out in accordance with the annual work plan adopted at the Council meeting and approved by the President of the University.
The EMC meeting is held every odd month of the year.
The Chairman of the EMC reports once a year on the results of activities to the University Academic Council.
Main tasks of the EMC:
The main tasks of the educational and methodical council are:
- development of RUEs, a catalog of elective disciplines in the university specialties, quality control and conformity of the Curriculum, Work program, syllabus, EMCSSCSE RK, Model curricula;
- organization of monitoring the quality of methodological support of the educational process;
- planning, organization of expertise and recommendation for the publication of educational, educational and methodical, scientific and methodological literature, manuals and other materials published by the University;
- methodological support and improvement of the educational process;
- o6o6schenie and dissemination of best practices for the organization and improvement of educational and methodical work;
- improving the system of advanced training, retraining and certification of teaching and research personnel, analyzing the content of the educational process;
- preparation of recommendations for the development of a quality management system and the implementation of the results of methodological developments in the educational process;
- organization of work on the introduction of new and improvement of existing technologies, methods, teaching aids in the university;
- organization of work of the creative centers of educational and methodical associations of teachers;
- coordination of work to improve the scientific and methodological potential of the teaching staff;
- development of proposals on the development of education and the formation of priority directions in its implementation.
Main activities of the educational and methodical council are:
- organization of the examination of working curricula and working curricula taking into account the requirements of state educational standards;
- Consideration and coordination of work plans of methodological councils of departments and other structural divisions;
- Consideration of issues of teaching and methodological support of the educational process at the University;
- Discussion and making proposals for the improvement of draft regulatory legal documents relating to the issues of methodological support of universities;
- Organization of the development of textbooks, teaching aids, including on electronic media and teaching materials;
- Discussion of proposals for improving the list of specialties (professions) on the basis of forecasting the priority areas of production technology and science;
- Consideration of the introduction of various forms of methodological work aimed at improving the educational process and providing practical assistance to teachers;
- Consideration and approval of the catalog of elective disciplines;
- Approval of prerequisites and post requisites;
- Issues of development and examination of test tasks and other forms of control of knowledge of students and undergraduates;
- Issues of methodological support of students 'independent work and students' independent work under the guidance of a teacher;
- organization and holding of seminars, conferences, meetings on the improvement of educational and methodical work.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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