Best graduates to KRIU
№ |
Full name of the graduate |
Place of work, position |
Specialty |
1 |
Mukhambetov Arhimed Begezhanovich |
Akim of Kostanay region |
Finance |
2 |
Li Sergey Mikhailovich |
Deputy Akim of Aktobe |
Accounting and audit |
3 |
Belousova Natalia Yurievna |
Chief Assistant Prosecutor of the Aktobe region, Senior Adviser of Justice |
Jurisprudence |
4 |
Dauletov Meirambek Kazhekperovich |
Prosecutor of Kargaly district, Senior Adviser of Justice |
Jurisprudence |
5 |
Esmukhanov Esimgali Esmukhanovich |
Prosecutor of the Temir district |
Jurisprudence |
6 |
Umbitalin Akimzhan Erkinovich |
Senior Prosecutor of the Department for Supervision of the Legality of the Pre-Trial Stage of Criminal Proceedings, Junior Adviser of Justice |
Jurisprudence |
7 |
Yurchenko Natalia Ivanovna |
Kazakh-Russian International University, First Vice-Rector, Vice-Rector for DLT |
Jurisprudence |
8 |
Arystanova Dinara Bisembaeva |
JSC "TV and Radio Company "Southern Capital" Almaty, legal adviser |
Jurisprudence |
9 |
Izturganova Bayan Aitbaykyzy |
Assistant Director in the French company "Total E&P" Astana |
Jurisprudence |
10 |
Esenzhol Madeniet Esenzholovich |
The platoon commander of BP SD OSSS of Aktobe region |
Jurisprudence |
11 |
Abdildin Serik Altynbekovich |
Investigator of the IA PD of Aktobe region |
Jurisprudence |
12 |
Akhmetov Rustam Alimovich |
SD Apparatus of akim of Mugalzhar district, chief specialist of the division of legal, financial and economic work and control |
Jurisprudence |
13 |
Tanabergenov Bolat |
Director of the Antimonopoly Committee of Aktobe city |
Jurisprudence |
14 |
Khamitov Artur Samatovich |
"ATF Bank" JSC, Head of the Corporate Business Center |
Jurisprudence |
15 |
Moldagazin Askar Kendybaevich |
"UZHPROMSNAB" LLP, head of logistics department |
Jurisprudence |
16 |
Imangazin Kairat |
RSI "State Revenue Department for Aktobe region", Chief specialist of the Legal Department |
Jurisprudence |
17 |
Nurzhanov Alibek Askhatovich |
PD of Nur-Sultan city, inspector of the department of analysis, planning and control of the headquarters of DP of Nur-Sultan city |
Jurisprudence |
18 |
Tulepov Kanat Zhigerovich |
RSI "Department of State Revenue in Aktobe region", Chief Specialist of the Department of Post-customs Control of the Department of Tariff Regulation and Post-customs Control |
Jurisprudence |
19 |
Nemudrov Vadim Sergeevich |
Law firm "Zeus", the lawyer |
Jurisprudence |
20 |
Kuantaiuly Kairat |
Chamber of entrepreneurs of Aktobe region "Atameken", expert of the 1st category of the department for the protection of the rights of entrepreneurs and the reduction of administrative barriers |
Jurisprudence |
21 |
Nurshin Bolat Zholdasuly |
RSI "State Revenue Department for Aktobe Region", Chief Specialist of the VAT Administration Department of the Indirect Tax Administration Department of the State Revenue Department |
Jurisprudence |
22 |
Sagynov Zhasulan Nurzhigituly |
"Halyk bank of Kazakhstan" JSC, Aktobe city, head of the department for work and loans |
Jurisprudence |
23 |
Jambusynova Nurgul Agymbaevna |
SI "Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation" of Aktobe region, Department supervisor |
Jurisprudence |
24 |
Imangaliyeva Lyazzat Nurahmetovna |
Kazakhstan Institute for Strategic Studies under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Head of HR and Documentation Department |
Jurisprudence |
25 |
Iskakova Mira Tulemisovna |
SI "Department of Internal Affairs" of Aktobe, Chief Specialist of the Office of the Special Receiver for Persons arrested administratively by the LPS DIA of Aktobe city |
Jurisprudence |
26 |
Kurmaniyazov Askhat Bulatovich |
"Ministry of Investments and Development, Kazakhstan" of the RK, Industrial Development and Industrial Safety Committee for Aktobe region department , chief specialist of the Department of interdisciplinary supervision, control |
Jurisprudence |
27 |
Esmagambetova Gulnaz Jamaladinova |
State Revenue Committee of the MF RK "Human Resources Management", Chief Expert of the Office of Desk Control of the Department of Analysis , Statistics and Risk Management |
Jurisprudence |
28 |
Ziracheva Gulmira Kanyshevna |
RSI "Department of the national anti-corruption bureau" for Aktobe region, officer for particularly important cases |
Jurisprudence |
29 |
Ingerbaev Nurzhan Bulatuly |
IAA of Mugalzhar district, head of the local police service of the IAA |
Jurisprudence |
30 |
Kazturganov Yerken Tuboniyazovich |
DIA of Aktobe region, police captain, inspector of the 2nd category of UTR |
Jurisprudence |
31 |
Zhalgasov Zhanbolat Nurlanovich |
RSI "Administrator of courts in Aktobe region, department for ensuring the activities of courts under the SC of RK, chief specialist |
Jurisprudence |
32 |
Zhavnerko Georgy Romanovich |
"Enbek-AGRO" LLP, Director of Legal Affairs |
Jurisprudence |
33 |
Koishibaev Elaman Erkenuly |
Head of the unit of the combat platoon of the operational battalion of the military unit 6655 |
Jurisprudence |
34 |
Akpasov Askar Janbulatovich |
Commander of the 3rd air assault platoon, Taldykorgan district, Almaty region |
Jurisprudence |
35 |
Aymagambetova Aziza Shahidollakyzy |
"TITANIUM Collection Agency" LLP, Branch Director |
Jurisprudence |
36 |
Vaisova Samal Serikovna |
"Kazpost" JSC, head of the sector |
Finance |
37 |
Amangosova Saltanat Sagynbekovna |
"Information Computing Center of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the RK", leading specialist of the Statistical data input and Processing Department |
Finance |
38 |
Bashenbayl Alhamjan Nazarkhanuly |
"KenDalaBatys" LLP, Financial Director |
Finance |
39 |
Tlepov Yerbol Myrzabayuly |
"Miras – Konzhar" LLP, Uil district, Financial director |
Finance |
40 |
Khamidullina Zhanna Galievna |
"VTB Bank" JSC (Kazakhstan), Direct Sales Manager |
Finance |
41 |
Yaremenko Evgeny Andreevich |
"Transnational Company "Kazchrom"" JSC, specialist in the purchase of goods and materials |
Finance |
42 |
Esenova Zhazira Kuantaikyzy |
"Kostanay Eco Oil" LLP, Chief Accountant |
Finance |
43 |
Baidavletova Aliya Galievna |
"RCKU West" LLP, Head of gas section №2 |
Finance |
44 |
Amangosova Saltanat Sagynbekovna |
"Information Computing Center of the Statistics Committee of the Ministry of National Economy of the RK", leading specialist of the Statistical data input and Processing Department |
Finance |
45 |
Zakaryaev Kanat Aneculy |
"Kazpost" JSC, Deputy head of the Shalkar area mail service |
Finance |
46 |
Khairullina Gauhar Jumabergenova |
SI "Akim's Apparatus of Sarykhobda rural district", chief accountant |
Finance |
47 |
Talgatov Chingiz Talgatovich |
The Ministry of Energy of Kazakhstan SI "Capitalneftegas" Astana, head of Department on work with assets |
Accounting and audit |
48 |
Kazmuhambetov Daurenbek Mustafaevich |
"Mugalzhar sauda" LLP, director |
Accounting and audit |
49 |
Kapanova Gauhar Merzhanovna |
"Aquabild" LLP, chief accountant |
Accounting and audit |
50 |
Amangalikyzy Aigul |
"Otan-XXI century" LLP, Director |
Accounting and audit |
51 |
Mikenova Dinara Berdigalievna |
LLP "Zhanazholsky GPP", accountant |
Accounting and audit |
52 |
Medetova Akmaral Laiykovna |
KSI "Kazakh secondary school №31", the chief accountant |
Accounting and audit |
53 |
Aktleuova Kamshat Egizbaevna |
SI "Employment Center" Head of the department of the Employment Center of Aktobe |
Accounting and audit |
54 |
Kyzylova Svetlana Bekkalievna |
Head of HR Sector of Aktobe branch of "Kazpost" JSC |
Accounting and audit |
55 |
Orazov Meirambek Kairatovich |
Aktobe Branch of "Centercreditbank" JSC, senior RM of small business direction |
Accounting and audit |
56 |
Tartanova Ekaterina Pavlovna |
"Eurasian Resources Group" LLP, service administrator for settlements with personnel |
Accounting and audit |
57 |
Iztleuova Zhenisgul Adilbekovna |
Aktobe branch of"Kaztransgazaymak" JSC, accountant |
Accounting and audit |
58 |
Karshagina Zhanara Ilyasovna |
RSI "Department of state revenue in Aktobe region", chief specialist of the VAT administration department |
Accounting and audit |
59 |
Tashimova Zhamilya Kanatkalievna |
Ақтобе облысы Актобе қаласы әкімінің аппараты, мемелекеттік кызметтер көрсету мәселелерін үйлестіру бөлімінің басшысы |
Accounting and audit |
60 |
Ainagul Mukanova Pashkova |
Branch of "Fortebank" JSC, Uralsk, Head Manager of the Credit Process Support Area |
Accounting and audit |
61 |
Shukirbay Aksaule Sarsenbekkyzy |
Training center "Darina", head of internet resources |
Management |
62 |
Sarsembay Kusaiyn Iskendiruly |
SI "Department of Agriculture of Aktobe region", head officer |
Management |
63 |
Tuieshieva Gulmira Turlankyzy |
SI "Aktau City Education Department", "Balduaren" kindergarten, director |
Management |
64 |
Ermashev Haidar Shalabaevich |
RSI "Department of the Committee for Regulation of Natural Monopolies, Protection of Competition and Consumer Rights of the National Economy of the RK in the Aktobe region", Head of the Department |
Management |
65 |
Pozychinyuk Dmitry Yuryevich |
"Limb 2" LLP, Head of Information and Analytical Department |
Computer engineering and software |
66 |
Aubakirov Nurlan Amangeldyevich |
RSI "State Revenue Department for Aktobe region", Chief Specialist of the Information Technology Department |
Computer engineering and software |
67 |
Kartmagambetov Aibek Kamilovich |
RSI "State Revenue Department for Aktobe region", Head of the Information Technology Department |
Computer engineering and software |
68 |
Odarchenko Alexey Vladimirovich |
"Fortebank" JSC Aktobe branch, leading manager of IT support |
Computer engineering and software |
69 |
Kulbarakov Arthur |
"JAKKO" company, Director General |
Computer engineering and software |
70 |
Kuntuov Nurlan Zhetkergenovich |
Ministry of Information and Public Development, Director of the Department |
Information systems |
71 |
Kazbanov Kairat Myrzagulovich |
Aktobe branch of RSE on the right of OC "Republican center of electronic health care", specialist of the informatization sector of the department of informatization of the health system |
Information systems |
72 |
Kostylev Kirill Alekseevich |
"TS Engineering networks" LLP, mechanical engineer |
Information systems |
73 |
Dyachenko Anton Andreevich |
"SAPSAN" LLP, automated control system engineer |
Information systems |
74 |
Kulnazarov Rustam |
"TNK KAZCHROM" JSC, branch of AFP, production automation and communication shop, engineer of EC&I |
Information systems |
75 |
Khismatullin Vladimir |
"Elektronpribor" LLP, Almaty, Director General |
Information systems |
76 |
Nurabayev Rustam Saginbaevich |
«KAZMineralsBozshakol» LLP, engineer for control and measuring devices and automation |
Automation and control |
77 |
Arzakulov Izbaskan Zhangeldievich |
"Bank Home Credit" SB JSC, Manager |
Automation and control |
78 |
Kaliev DaniyarNurlybekovich |
"Mining technologies" LLP, head of the repairing shop |
Automation and control |
79 |
Kuttybaeva Aktoty Zhumabaevna |
RMM "Department of Health of Aktobe region", Head of the Department |
Life safety and environmental protection |
80 |
Myrsataev Gani Nietalievich |
"KazTransOil", leading engineer of industrial safety and labor protection the shop of technological transport and special equipment |
Life safety and environmental protection |
81 |
Baktygereyev Sultan Abzaluly |
SI "Fire-fighting and Rescue Services of Emergency department of Aktobe region", Chief Specialist of the Personnel Service Department |
Life safety and environmental protection |
82 |
Kharchenko Stas |
"Alikhan & k" LLP, chief environmental engineer |
Life safety and environmental protection |
83 |
Sarsenbin Yerbol Nurgalievich |
The Department of emergency of Aktobe region SI "Fire-fighting and Rescue Services" of Kargaly district fire department №10, the Deputy chief |
Life safety and environmental protection |
84 |
Imashev Marat Tanibergenovich |
Production Cooperative "Sertis-M", Head of the Department of Radiology, Industrial Safety |
Standardization and certification |
85 |
Zhalkan Daniyar Salimuly |
"TimTransServis" LLP, leading ecologist |
Standardization and certification |
86 |
Sabdykov Akaris Rizahanovich |
"CNPC-Aktobemunaygas", NGDU "Kenkiyakneft", chief metrologist |
Standardization and certification |
87 |
Taimov Mubarak Muslimovich |
Zhanazhol refining complex of JSC CNPC "Aktobemunaygas", operator of technological installations of the gas treatment shop |
Standardization and certification |
88 |
Batkulla Gani Kenzhebaiuly |
"AktobeElektrosetstroi", engineer of standardization and certification |
Standardization and certification |
89 |
Tabenov Daniyar Galimzhanovich |
"Transnational Company "Kazchrom" JSC, engineer of the 1st category, bureau for procurement of raw materials, inventory and auxiliary materials |
Standardization and certification |
90 |
Djumalieva Saule Julmambetovna |
TV broadcast of Zhanaozen city, editor-translator |
Philology |
91 |
Nayanova Miramgul Kuanyshevna |
Branch of "KEGOC" JSC Aktobe IEN, translator |
Philology |
92 |
Moldabekova Aknur Dosbulatkyzy |
Training center "Uspeh", English teacher |
Translation studies |
93 |
Askar Anuar Askaruly |
"KAZ Minerals Aktogay" LLP, translator |
Translation studies |
94 |
Bulatova Violetta Bulatovna |
Metro Cash Kerry (Astana), Head of the Human Resources Department |
Translation studies |
95 |
Zhuparbeva Aktorgin Zholtaykyzy |
SI "Department of Employment and Social programs" of Aktobe city, social worker |
Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
96 |
Zhumina Aliya Astrakyzy |
"Akbobek Rehabilitation Center" LLP, social teacher |
Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
97 |
Aidarbayev Orynbek Sattarovich |
"Senimdi Kurylys" LLP, inspector for quality control of construction works |
Construction |
98 |
Amankulova Marina Serikkyzy |
"ELEOS" LLP, psychologist |
Psychology |
99 |
Dmitrienko Olga Valeryevna |
"Kunan" school-lyceum, teacher-psychologist |
Psychology |
100 |
Kurmashev Dias Serikovich |
"Nobel Almaty Pharmaceutical Factory" JSC, Karaganda city, medical representative |
Psychology |
101 |
Bozaeva Nurzhamal Eralievna |
Department of the Committee of Labor Social Protection and Migration in Aktobe region, leading specialist of the special department of medical and social expertise №5 |
Psychology |
102 |
Ivchenko Natalia Vladimirovna |
Kazakh-Russian International University, Head of the Department of Psychology |
Psychology |
103 |
Kasenov Akzhol |
Kazakh-Russian International University, Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs |
Psychology |

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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