List of undergraduate specialties, the KRIU admission is held in 2018, a list of compulsory subjects and specialized subjects and the minimum value of points confirming successful completion.
Name of specialty |
Required items (UNT and CT) |
Min score |
Profile subjects in the directions (UNT and CT) |
Мин балл |
Total number of min points for passing |
5В030100 Jurisprudence |
History of Kazakhstan Math literacy Reading literacy
History of Kazakhstan Math literacy Reading literacy |
от 5 от 5 от 5
от 5 от 5 от 5 |
History, Man, Society, Right |
from 5 from 5 |
5В010100 Pre-school education and upbringing |
Biology Geography |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
5В012300 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
5В050300 Psychology |
5В020500 Philology |
Language learning and literature History |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В020700 Translation major |
Foreign language History |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В050400 Journalism |
History of Kazakhstan Reading literacy |
от 5 от 5 |
1 creative 2 creative |
from 20 from 20 |
50 |
5В050700 Management |
History of Kazakhstan Math literacy Reading literacy |
от 5 от 5 от 5 |
Maths Geography |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В050800 Accounting and Auditing |
5В050900 Finance |
5В051100 Marketing |
5В090200 Tourism |
Geography Foreign language |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В042100 Design |
History of Kazakhstan Reading literacy |
от 5 от 5 |
1 creative 2 creative |
from 20 from 20 |
50 |
5В070300 Information Systems |
History of Kazakhstan Math literacy Reading literacy
от 5 от 5 от 5 |
Maths Physics |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В070200 Automation and control |
5В070400 Computing and software |
5В072900 Construction |
5В073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection |
от 5 от 5 от 5 |
Maths Physics |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
5В073200 Standardization and certification (by industry) |
5В070200 Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
Chemistry Physics |
from 5 from 5 |
50 |
List of undergraduate specialties, KRIU for related specialties, which are held in 2018, a list of specialized subjects and the minimum value of points confirming successful completion.
Name of specialty |
Profile items |
Min score |
Total number of min points for passing |
5В030100 Jurisprudence |
Fundamentals of State Theory Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
from 5 |
35 |
5В010100 Pre-school education and upbringing |
Basics of pedagogy and psychology Theory and practice of education |
from 5 |
35 |
5В010200 Pedagogy and methods of primary education |
Basics of pedagogy and psychology Theory and practice of education |
from 5 |
35 |
5В012300 Social pedagogy and self-knowledge |
Basics of pedagogy and psychology Theory and practice of education |
from 5 |
35 |
5В050300 Psychology
History of Kazakhstan Fundamentals of Psychology |
from 5 |
35 |
5В020500 Philology |
Kazakh language / Russian language Literature |
from 5 |
35 |
5В020700 Translation major |
Kazakh language / Russian language Foreign language (English, German, French) |
from 5 |
35 |
5В050700 Management |
Basics of Economics Management |
from 5 |
35 |
5В050800 Accounting and Auditing |
Finance and credit Organization economics |
from 5 |
35 |
5В050900 Finance |
Finance and credit Organization finances |
from 5 |
35 |
5В051100 Marketing
Basics of Economics Marketing |
from 5 |
35 |
5В090200 Tourism |
Geography Organization of tourist activities |
from 5 |
35 |
5В070300 Information Systems |
Maths Basics of Algorithmization and Programming |
from 5 |
35 |
5В070200 Automation and control |
Maths Automation of technological processes in the industry |
from 5 |
35 |
5В070400 Computing and software |
Maths Automation of technological processes in the industry |
from 5 |
35 |
5В072900 Construction |
Structures of the building and structure Electrical Engineering |
from 5 |
35 |
5В073100 Life Safety and Environmental Protection |
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals of materials science |
from 5 |
35 |
5В073200 Standardization and certification (by industry) |
Physics Standardization |
from 5 |
35 |
5В070200 Chemical technology of inorganic substances |
Chemistry General chemical technology |
from 5 |
35 |
The list of compulsory and specialized subjects on the UNT
Required items |
Profile items |
History of Kazakhstan, Math literacy, Reading literacy |
History Man, Society, Right, Biology, Geography, Language learning and literature, Foreign language, Maths, Physics Chemistry |
List of specialized items on CT
- Fundamentals of State Theory
- Civil Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Basics of pedagogy and psychology
- Theory and practice of education
- History of Kazakhstan
- Fundamentals of Psychology
- Kazakh language / Russian language
- Literature
- Foreign language (English, German, French)
- Basics of Economics
- Management
- Finance and credit
- Organization economics
- Marketing
- Geography
- Organization of tourist activities
- Maths
- Basics of Algorithmization and Programming
- Structures of the building and structure
- Electrical Engineering
- Fundamentals of materials science
- Physics
- Standardization
- Chemistry
- General chemical technology

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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