Science in KRIU
Scientific activity of the KRIU is organized and conducted in accordance with the state policy in the field of science and education, on the basis of regulatory documents on the development of science in the Republic of Kazakhstan, laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Education”, “On Science”, long-term development strategy of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan – 2030”, University development strategy and research plan KRIU.
In the process of carrying out research and development activities, the faculty of the university is guided by the “Main indicators of the KRIU activity”.
Key performance indicators of KRIU:
- State registration of research in the NCSTE (Almaty);
- Publication of scientific articles in journals recommended by CCSE;
- Publication of scientific articles in journals with impact factor;
- Publication of articles in the RISC system;
- Publication of articles in the Bulletin of KRIU;
- Conclusion of economic contracts for the implementation of applied research;
- Publication (in Russian and Kazakh. Languages): textbooks with the signature stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, monographs with ISBN, textbooks with ISBN;
- Participation and victory of students in international competitions, conferences and competitions: in Kazakhstan and the CIS countries; in foreign countries;
- Obtaining a patent, innovation patent, evidence of intellectual property.
KRMU cooperates with leading universities of Russia in the field of basic and applied research, attracts leading scientists to conduct training sessions, develop and maintain research projects with students.
To date, 3 research projects have been implemented with leading faculty members of partner universities:
- under the direction of Dr. Econ. Sciences MSIIR (Moscow) Sagittarius I.A. the project on the theme “The Impact of New Technologies on the Behavior of Economic Agents”,
- under the direction of the candidate of psychology, MPPU (Moscow) M. Yu. Chibisova project on "Ethnopsychology and intercultural communication in the educational space",
- under the direction of the candidate of econ. Sciences MSIIR (Moscow) Safronchuk M.V. project on "Industry markets: organization, coordination and development."
Scientific research conducted by the KRIU within the framework of the priority directions of science fully comply with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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