Scientific Council
Council of Young Scientists
Student Scientific Society is a voluntary association of university students who are actively involved in scientific, organizational and research work. SSS operates on the principles of: voluntariness, self-government, open nature of activities, the spirit of mutual respect and culture of scientific communication of students. SSS carries out scientific, organizational, research, coordination, research, design and other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the charter of the KRIU, orders and instructions of the rector of the KRIU, the vice-rector for research, as well as these Regulations. The issues of creation, reorganization and liquidation of SSS are decided at the general meeting of SSS members on the orders of the Rector of KRIU.
Objective: to develop the skills of research and search creativity, to promote the professional development of students of the university by engaging in research activity.
- in-depth development of theoretical and practical knowledge in the discussion and resolution of topical issues of university research institute;
- formation of motivation in students to a more in-depth and creative development of educational material through participation in research;
- fostering the creative attitude of students to their specialty through research activities;
- creation of conditions for independent and team research activities of students (problem groups);
- development of the scientific potential of students of the university;
- organization and active participation in various scientific conferences, competitions, seminars of the university and beyond;
- systematic publication of student and master scientific works;
- attracting students to the university research.
- upgrading the university's ranking in the international scientific community.

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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