Scientific publishing
Editorial and publishing department is a structural subdivision at the university, intended for the intra-university publication of scientific literature, textbooks, teaching aids and educational and methodical literature, a periodical journal of the university - the International Scientific Journal “Bulletin of the Kazakh-Russian International University”, the university student newspaper “Student Meridian”. In order to ensure the educational process, as well as newspapers, booklets, leaflets, business cards at a high technical level and is part of the scientific activity. The work of the editorial and publishing department is being built with the assistance of an expert council and is building its work in close cooperation with other departments and the Academic Council of the KRIU.
EPD performs certain functions, is not a separate structural unit of the university, does not have its own financial facilities and is not a legal entity.
Main objectives of EPD are:
- ensuring the university’s needs in publishing and printing;
- formation of a publishing policy in order to provide the university with scientific, reference and other literature;
- preparing for printing and issuing planned editions of the KRIU: leading scientists, the most qualified teachers and authors' teams from among the employees of the university and other higher educational institutions of the city, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the CIS;
- control over the quality of their artistic and technical design in accordance with State Standards, publishing requirements, as well as the plan of publications of the KRIU;
- analysis of demand for literature produced for external use in order to ensure its competitiveness in the market, increase the profitability and profitability of publications;
- consideration of applications from departments of the university for publication of works, fulfillment of the plan for issuing publications of relevant departments

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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