Certified management system in KRIU (QMS)
In May 2024, Kazakh-Russian International University has successfully passed recertification audit of the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of ST RK ISO 9001-2016.
The certified quality management system has been implemented and operates in the university since 2018.
KRIU quality management system is a set of organisational structure, methodologies, processes and resources required to implement quality policy through planning, management, quality assurance and improvement.
The quality management system of the university is maintained and developed. QMS processes are controlled, monitored and analysed. QMS documentation is improved and updated in a timely manner, and new documentation is created if necessary. Currently, the University has developed and approved more than 160 QMS documents, which regulate the main and supporting processes of the University activity.
The management system is considered by the KRIU as a guarantee for the university to meet the requirements to the educational process and to ensure the proper quality of education, as well as testifies to the high level of management organisation culture. The current quality management system also optimises all business processes and improves cooperation between departments.
QMS 2021 | QMS 2024 (ru.) | QMS 2024 (kz.) |

Berdimuratov Temerhan Baybosynovich
Founder of Kazakh-Russian International University, Professor, Doctor of Psychology
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